An article, feature, or piece of longer form writing such as a downloadable guide, brochure, magazine or whitepaper can be a great way to build your business reputation and establish yourself as an expert in your area.
Articles and features on websites or in newspapers and magazines generally focus on a topic that’s of interest to a specific target audience. They are a chance to take an in-depth look at something – a product, a trend or an event happening in an area of business.
A feature article could be an opinion piece. It could be a review of recent news stories or emerging trends in your industry. It could be an interview or a detailed review of a product or service.
Writing these kind of features and articles can benefit your company by linking your brand, product or service to larger trends in your business area. They are also a chance for you to establish yourself as someone who knows about, understands and can communicate on behalf of your business.
How I can help you
From initial ideas and research through to finished copy, I can write, edit and proofread all sorts of features and articles for your business.
Whether you’re looking to publish on your own websites and publications or in the wider media, I can write accurate, easy-to-read, professional and well sourced articles and features.
Here are some of the topics I’ve written about for my clients:
- Small business guide to exporting
- HR trends that you need to be aware of right now
- Don’t bank on it – alternative ways to fund your business
- Your essential guide to the best running gear and technology
- Give your business a financial work out
Have you got something to say? Let me help you make a feature of it